Day 1
It's really happening! Everything got done yesterday including installing the storm shutters. By 9:33 we had the car packed, Judy said goodby to her plants, I chained up the aligators, raised the moat drawbridge and we were on our way.
Today was the first of several interstate days. Our interstate highway system is the legacy of President Eisenhower.As the US Army rolled through France and into Germany during WWII, General Eisenhower was in awe of the German Autobahn. To get the US economy out of the war mode and into domestic progress the Interstate Highway system was started. It took many years to build this web of highways and work continues today with rebuilding these arteries of commerce.
Anyways, they are great for getting to somewhere quick and easy. Scenic is a word not often used when describing a day on the interstate and today was no exception. We are in Macon, GA, logged 407 miles and are getting ready to go to Natalia's for dinner.
We can heartily recommend Natalia's, an outstanding dining experence. I think we found one of Macon's best restaurant. Tomorrow it's Paducha, KY and the Cracker Barrel, oh well. See ya tomorrow.
We'll expect a full review of Natalia's. Having just traveled through Macon on Monday, I'm sorry I missed it, so hearing about it from you will be almost as good.