Thursday, August 8, 2013

Packin' the Wagon.

The Old Indian and the Jewish Princess are packing their bags and Tepee in preparation for another western adventure. One big difference this time is that Old Harley will be left in the corral at home.  We traded off the old farm wagon a while back and acquired a new mini Conestoga wagon, a few more wheels and a few more horse than what we've traveled with before.
We’ll be heading for Dayton, NV (Carson City area) byway of the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Grand Canyon. About as indirect a route as I could find.

It all began shortly after we returned from our last New Mexico tour in 2011. I found out that my Niece Diann, who I had not seen since we both were a whole lot younger, something like 45 years ago, called to say that she and Paul were in DC and wanted to come to Florida to visit. It was a wonderful reunion and we all agreed that we had to get together again and SOON! Well, by now you may have figured out the Diann and Paul live in Dayton, NV.

Judy and I pondered the idea of riding the Harley out west once again, but not for long. The heat and long hours on the Harley were still fresh in our minds from the NM ride. Maybe we could do a Fly and Ride? In that I moved from two wheels to three a few years ago, renting a Trike in Nevada was not an option. Then in January the old farm wagon, a 2000 Chevy S10 Xtreme pickup, needed serious A/C repairs. That’s when the mini Conestoga, 2013 Ford Focus hatchback, moved into the carport.

So now it’s time pack the wagon and head’er out! Tonto rides again!

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