Yahoo! Howdy partners, put on your boots and saddle up old Nellie
we’re headin’ for Virginia City . It sprang up as a boomtown on top of the Comctock
Lode--the first major silver deposit discovered in the United States in 1859.
Though at its peak in the late 19th century it had over 15,000 residents, the
mines' output declined after 1874
indicates that the town got its name from a man named James Finney who was
nicknamed "Old Virginy". Finney was credited with discovering the
Comstock Lode. His real name was James Fennimore, and he had fled his home
state of Virginia after killing a man. During the 20 years following the
Comstock success about $400 million was taken out of the ground.
Virginia City
could be considered the "birthplace" of Mark Twain, as it was here in
February 1863 that writer Samuel Clemens, then a reporter on the local newspaper,
first used his famous pen name. Virginia City historical documents state that
Clemens was mugged on November 10, 1863, as he walked over the hill from the
south while returning to Virginia City. The muggers relieved Clemens of his
watch and his money. The robbery turns out to have been a practical joke played
on Clemens by his friends, to give him material to write about. He did not
appreciate the joke, but he did retrieve his belongings—particularly his gold
watch (worth $300), which had great sentimental value. Clemens mentions the
incident in his book Roughing It (published Feb. 1872), apparently still sore
about it.
We had the good
fortune to witness a parade focusing on an assortment of local folks having fun. The drive up the canyons to Virginia City made me wish we were on the Harley.
Take a look.
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